Friday, May 28, 2010

Basics of Delegation

1. Some Benefits:
  1. Change the management philosophy.
  2. Enhance management style
  3. Enhance your productivity
  4. Reduce your workload
  5. Increased availability

2. How delegation impacts you?
  1. Delegation is vital for effective management
  2. Reduce workload
Delegate non-critical work like:
  Data entry
  Clerical duties
  Organizing docs
  1. Alleviate time constraints

3. How delegation impacts your employees?
1.      Increase motivation
2.      Challenge your employees
3.      Results in positive career development.

4. How delegation impacts your organization?
  1. Positive work atmosphere
  2. Efficient employees, high productivity, low turn over rates
  3. Retain skilled employees

5. Preparing you to delegate:
1.      More confidence in your delegating ability
2.      Quicker task completion
3.      More time to focus on managerial tasks

6. Why managers hesitate to delegate?
  1. Managers want to be viewed as superior workers
    1. They may overextend themselves and get exhausted
    2. Employees may resent
    3. They may become inferior workers

  1. Perfectionist tendencies
    1. If you want something done right, do it yourself
1.      Prioritize tasks and realize that perfection is not always attainable or necessary.
2.      Redirect energy by turning mistakes/errors into positive learning experiences
3.      Hone delegation skills.

  1. Fear of being replaced

7. Delegating style:
  1. Controlling => limited experience, substantial managerial input needed  => limits responsibility, decreased stress and motivation levels
  2. Coaching => close supervision, moderately experienced employee => more responsibility
  3. Consulting => previous experience with similar tasks, manager is available for any questions, etc.
  4. Coordinating => Full responsibility to assignee, minimal feedback => results in a highly motivated workforce

8. Develop your delegating attitude:
  1. Confidence in delegating abilities
  2. willingness to take risks
  3. trust
  4. task oriented
  5. patience

9. Delegation Skills:
  1. Technical
    1. Mid to lower level employees
  2. interpersonal
  3. conceptual
              - Knowing the organizational structure
10. Attributes of a delegated task: (SMART)
  1. Pertinent to employee’s job description
  2. Possible to achieve
  3. Measurable
  4. As detailed as possible

11. Deciding What Tasks to Delegate
  1. Easily completed
  2. Suited to employee’s skills
  3. Challenging
12. Elements of a Delegated Task
1.      Mental
2.      Physical
3.      Interpersonal

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