1. Some Benefits:
- Change the management philosophy.
- Enhance management style
- Enhance your productivity
- Reduce your workload
- Increased availability
2. How delegation impacts you?
- Delegation is vital for effective management
- Reduce workload
Delegate non-critical work like:
Data entry
Clerical duties
Organizing docs
- Alleviate time constraints
3. How delegation impacts your employees?
1. Increase motivation
2. Challenge your employees
3. Results in positive career development.
4. How delegation impacts your organization?
- Positive work atmosphere
- Efficient employees, high productivity, low turn over rates
- Retain skilled employees
5. Preparing you to delegate:
1. More confidence in your delegating ability
2. Quicker task completion
3. More time to focus on managerial tasks
6. Why managers hesitate to delegate?
- Managers want to be viewed as superior workers
- They may overextend themselves and get exhausted
- Employees may resent
- They may become inferior workers
- Perfectionist tendencies
- If you want something done right, do it yourself
1. Prioritize tasks and realize that perfection is not always attainable or necessary.
2. Redirect energy by turning mistakes/errors into positive learning experiences
3. Hone delegation skills.
- Fear of being replaced
7. Delegating style:
- Controlling => limited experience, substantial managerial input needed => limits responsibility, decreased stress and motivation levels
- Coaching => close supervision, moderately experienced employee => more responsibility
- Consulting => previous experience with similar tasks, manager is available for any questions, etc.
- Coordinating => Full responsibility to assignee, minimal feedback => results in a highly motivated workforce
8. Develop your delegating attitude:
- Confidence in delegating abilities
- willingness to take risks
- trust
- task oriented
- patience
9. Delegation Skills:
- Technical
- Mid to lower level employees
- interpersonal
- conceptual
10. Attributes of a delegated task: (SMART)
- Pertinent to employee’s job description
- Possible to achieve
- Measurable
- As detailed as possible
11. Deciding What Tasks to Delegate
- Easily completed
- Suited to employee’s skills
- Challenging
1. Mental
2. Physical
3. Interpersonal
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