Friday, October 22, 2010

Goal Setting

There is a difference between dream and goal.

Benefits of setting an achievable goal:
1. Guiding decisions
2. Monitor progress
3. Communicating growth

                                               /        \
           Professional            Personal

Types of Goals
  1. Performance – Raise your aim and take advantage of current abilities
  2. Development – Expand abilities

Setting Goals

Objective component – eg: conduct interviews, submit a plan, write a report

Standards component – measures whether an objective has been met. eg: within 6 weeks, by 30%, less than 5 times

Conditions component – clarifies the objective. Limitation on how to achieve the goal

Strategic Thinking
1. Win collaboration
2. Assess the risk
3. Reduce wasted effort – Productivity

Assessing Risk

Risk -> Time/Effort

-          Classify goals in low risk and high risk
Type of change associated with high risk goals
-          Create a new condition
-          Eliminate an existing condition

Type of change associated with low risk goals
-          Preserve an existing condition
-          Avoid an unwanted condition

Beware of unstated goals

Collaborating on Goals
- Define the conflict
- Propose a collaboration
- Define roles for participants

Prioritizing Goals
  1. You achieve your goals more quickly
  2. You take action on imp and urgent goals first
  3. you are better able to recognize when it’s time to let or choose an alternative goal.

- Personal importance
- Professional importance
- Resource availability
- Resource urgency

Plot a graph of importance vs availability

Setting Alternative Goals
  1. Breaking out smaller objectives
  2. Reassessing priorities
  3. Seeking a different path to dest

  1. Relaxing standards
  2. Extend deadline

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