Thursday, May 05, 2011

Sutter's Interview on C++0x

Here's an interview with Herb Sutter about ISO C++0x, C++’s place in the modern world, goals of C++0x, etc.
See below for the specific questions that were asked.

1:37 -> What were the goals of the C++0x standard, at a high level?
2:40 -> Language and Library abstractions and performance (how high can you go and still be fast as possible?)…
5:23 -> C++ as an application development language (in addition to the traditional C++ is a systems programming language meme)…
07:17 -> C++0x or can we now call it C++11?
09:21 -> Standards committees and real world user representation…
10:39 -> Who comes up with the new features that get standardized (or not…)?
13:01 -> What were the goals of the C++0x standard (non-canned answer)?
14:21 -> What does Bjarne mean by C++0x being a better C++ for novice programmers?
15:51 -> Why can’t C++ look more like C#?
18:50 -> At the end of the day, everything(in terms of programmer-controlled computing) boils down to memory, right?
25:05 -> What can VC++ developers expect to see in terms of C++0x implementation in Visual C++ next?
27:09 -> C++ and type safety…
29:05 -> C++0x and backwards compatibility: any big breaking changes?
34:16 -> C++0x in the Standard Library…
37:01 -> Any thinking in the Committee about doing more frequent experimental releases C++?
39:04 -> Are their features that didn’t make it into the standard that you really wanted to be standardized?
41:45 -> Are you comfortable with C++’s current state? Is it modern enough?
43:22 -> Conclusion (or Charles doesn’t end the conversation when his farewell begins – where does it go from there? )